July 27, 2024

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Guest posting is a great way to get more content for your WordPress site, build relationships with other bloggers, and increase your visibility in the search engines. If you’re thinking about allowing guest posts on your site, here are a few things you need to do:

First, you need to decide on the guidelines for your guest posts. This includes things like the length of the post, the topics you’re interested in, and the level of quality you expect. You should also create a guest post submission form so that potential contributors can easily submit their ideas.

how to allow guest post in wordpress

Follow these steps to allow guest posts:

  • Create Guidelines: Define rules for guest posts.
  • Submission Form: Make it easy for contributors to submit ideas.
  • Review Submissions: Carefully evaluate each submission.
  • Publish and Promote: Publish high-quality posts and promote them.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you’re getting high-quality guest posts that will benefit your site and your readers.

Create Guidelines: Define rules for guest posts.

Once you’ve decided to allow guest posts on your site, the next step is to create a set of guidelines for your guest posters. These guidelines should cover everything from the length and format of the posts to the topics you’re interested in and the level of quality you expect.

Here are a few things to consider when creating your guest post guidelines:

  • Length: How long should guest posts be? A good rule of thumb is to aim for posts that are between 500 and 1,000 words.
  • Format: What format should guest posts be in? Most guest posts are written in blog post format, but you may also want to consider allowing other formats, such as interviews, tutorials, or case studies.
  • Topics: What topics are you interested in receiving guest posts on? Make a list of topics that are relevant to your site and your audience.
  • Quality: What level of quality do you expect from guest posts? Make sure to set clear expectations for your guest posters, including requirements for grammar, spelling, and accuracy.
  • Promotion: How will you promote guest posts? Will you share them on social media? Include them in your email newsletter? Make sure to let your guest posters know how you’ll be promoting their posts.

Once you’ve created your guest post guidelines, make them easily accessible to potential contributors. You can do this by creating a dedicated page on your website or by including the guidelines in your guest post submission form.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you’re getting high-quality guest posts that will benefit your site and your readers.

Submission Form: Make it easy for contributors to submit ideas.

Once you’ve created your guest post guidelines, the next step is to make it easy for potential contributors to submit their ideas. The best way to do this is to create a guest post submission form.

  • Easy to Find: Make sure your guest post submission form is easy to find on your website. You can do this by adding a link to the form in your navigation menu or by creating a dedicated page for guest post submissions.
  • Simple and Clear: Keep your guest post submission form simple and clear. Only ask for the information you need, such as the contributor’s name, email address, and the title and topic of the proposed guest post.
  • Guidelines and Expectations: Include a link to your guest post guidelines in the submission form. This will help contributors understand your expectations for guest posts.
  • Response Time: Let contributors know how long they can expect to wait for a response to their submission. This will help set realistic expectations and avoid frustration.

By following these tips, you can create a guest post submission form that is easy to use and helps you attract high-quality guest posts.

Review Submissions: Carefully evaluate each submission.

Once you’ve received a guest post submission, the next step is to carefully evaluate it. This means taking the time to read the submission thoroughly and assess its quality. Here are a few things to consider when reviewing guest post submissions:

  • Relevance: Is the topic of the guest post relevant to your site and your audience? Make sure the post is a good fit for your site’s content and that it will be of interest to your readers.
  • Quality: Is the guest post well-written and informative? Look for posts that are well-researched, accurate, and free of grammatical errors. You should also make sure that the post is original and not plagiarized from another source.
  • Promotion: Is the guest poster willing to promote the post on their own channels? This can help to increase the reach of the post and drive traffic to your site.
  • Fit with Your Brand: Does the guest post align with your site’s values and brand identity? Make sure the post is consistent with your site’s overall tone and style.

Once you’ve evaluated the submission, you can decide whether or not to accept it. If you decide to accept the submission, you should send the guest poster a confirmation email and let them know when the post will be published. You should also provide them with any additional information they need, such as formatting guidelines or image requirements.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you’re only publishing high-quality guest posts that will benefit your site and your readers.

Publish and Promote: Publish high-quality posts and promote them.

Once you’ve accepted a guest post submission, the next step is to publish the post on your site. Make sure to proofread the post carefully before publishing it to ensure that there are no errors. You should also format the post in a way that is consistent with your site’s overall design.

  • Promote the Post: Once the guest post is published, you should promote it on your own channels. This can include sharing the post on social media, including it in your email newsletter, and reaching out to other bloggers and influencers to share the post. You can also ask the guest poster to help promote the post on their own channels.
  • Engage with Readers: Once the post is published, be sure to engage with readers who leave comments or questions. This can help to build a community around your site and show readers that you value their feedback.
  • Track Results: Keep track of the traffic and engagement that the guest post generates. This will help you to see how successful the post was and whether or not it was worth the effort to publish it.
  • Follow Up with Guest Posters: After the guest post has been published, be sure to follow up with the guest poster and thank them for their contribution. You can also ask them if they would be interested in writing another guest post in the future.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your guest posts are successful and that they help to achieve your goals for your site.


Here are some frequently asked questions about how to allow guest posts in WordPress:

Question 1: How do I create guest post guidelines?

Answer: To create guest post guidelines, start by defining the length, format, and topics you’re interested in. Be sure to also include information about your expectations for quality, promotion, and attribution.

Question 2: How do I create a guest post submission form?

Answer: To create a guest post submission form, use a WordPress plugin or create a form using a tool like Google Forms. Be sure to include fields for the contributor’s name, email address, and the title and topic of the proposed guest post.

Question 3: How do I review guest post submissions?

Answer: When reviewing guest post submissions, consider the relevance, quality, promotion potential, and fit with your brand. Be sure to also check for plagiarism and grammatical errors.

Question 4: How do I publish and promote guest posts?

Answer: To publish a guest post, proofread it carefully and format it consistently with your site’s design. Once published, promote the post on social media, in your email newsletter, and by reaching out to other bloggers and influencers.

Question 5: How do I engage with readers who comment on guest posts?

Answer: When readers leave comments on guest posts, be sure to engage with them by responding to their comments and questions. This helps to build a community around your site and shows readers that you value their feedback.

Question 6: How do I follow up with guest posters?

Answer: After a guest post has been published, follow up with the guest poster to thank them for their contribution. You can also ask them if they would be interested in writing another guest post in the future.

Closing Paragraph: By following these tips, you can create a successful guest posting program that will help you to get high-quality content for your site and build relationships with other bloggers.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ section, here are a few additional tips for allowing guest posts in WordPress:


Here are a few additional tips for allowing guest posts in WordPress:

Tip 1: Use a Guest Post Management Plugin

There are a number of WordPress plugins that can help you to manage guest posts. These plugins can help you to create guest post submission forms, review submissions, and publish and promote guest posts.

Tip 2: Set Clear Expectations

Be sure to set clear expectations for your guest posters. This includes providing them with guidelines for the length, format, and quality of their posts. You should also let them know how you will promote their posts and how they can promote their posts themselves.

Tip 3: Promote Guest Posts on Social Media

Once you’ve published a guest post, be sure to promote it on social media. This will help to increase the reach of the post and drive traffic to your site. You can also ask the guest poster to help promote the post on their own social media channels.

Tip 4: Track the Performance of Guest Posts

Keep track of the traffic and engagement that guest posts generate. This will help you to see how successful the posts were and whether or not they were worth the effort to publish. You can use Google Analytics or other analytics tools to track the performance of your guest posts.

Closing Paragraph: By following these tips, you can create a successful guest posting program that will help you to get high-quality content for your site and build relationships with other bloggers.

By following the tips and advice provided in this article, you can create a successful guest posting program that will benefit your site and your readers.


By following the tips and advice provided in this article, you can create a successful guest posting program that will benefit your site and your readers. Here are the main points to remember:

  • Create clear guidelines for guest posts.
  • Make it easy for contributors to submit guest post ideas.
  • Carefully review each guest post submission.
  • Publish and promote high-quality guest posts.

Guest posting is a great way to get more content for your site, build relationships with other bloggers, and increase your visibility in the search engines. By following the tips in this article, you can create a guest posting program that is successful and beneficial for your site.

Closing Message: Guest posting is a powerful tool that can help you to grow your site and achieve your goals. By following the advice in this article, you can create a guest posting program that is successful and sustainable.

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How to Allow Guest Post in WordPress